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our range of service

In order to provide you with information 24/7 indepentently of our opening hours, we have put together some documents for you on this page, sorted by subject areas.

At the beginning, the advantages of working with our team are briefly mentioned. If you would like to send us a message, please use the contact form or send us an e-mail. Below you will find further documents soted by topic.

If you are looking for a property/ search mandate:
In addition to a large range of high-quality properties in all locations and sizes, we offer additional services (support in contract processing, re-registration to energy suppliers, ...). Our team consists of well-trained people who give comprehensive advice with heart and specialist knowledge. If you send us your search profile/request we contact you shortly to coordinate whishes with the current possibilities. We will then start the research. Kontaktieren by phone on 0043 1 8902671 or E-Mail (office@homefinding.at)

If you own a property/ownership:
A market-driven evaluation and targeted marketing (online, print, social media) should promptly lead to reliable and reputable tenants or buyers. Therefore, the comprehensive data preparation and property creation happens at short notice. If you would like to offer us your property for marketing, please us the form or send an e-mail. In the property area you can access  a property checklist (coming soon!), which makes it easier for you to record the essential data on the property. Kontaktieren by phone on 0043 1 8902671 or E-Mail (office@homefinding.at)

apartment seekers + legal information

You no longer have the documents we have sent and would like to read again? Here you can download all important documents as .pdf.It is primarily about the legal basis in the relationship to our company and the clarification. Brokerage contract, legal texts (VRUG), declaration of withdrawal, but also information on charging for commercial real estate and garages are available for you here.

info first client I source: wwww.wko.at
info first client I source: wwww.wko.at

info commission free properties / source: www.wko.at
info commission free properties / source: www.wko.at

info search order I source: www.wko.at
info search order I source: www.wko.at

form search order
form search order

ancillary costs - rent   I   Quelle: www.wko.at
ancillary costs - rent I Quelle: www.wko.at

info apartment purchase I source: www.wko.at
info apartment purchase I source: www.wko.at

ancillary costs - purchase   I   source: www.wko.at
ancillary costs - purchase I source: www.wko.at

commission agreement
commission agreement

withdrawal form
withdrawal form

information about withdrawal
information about withdrawal

law VRUG   I   source: https://www.ris.bka.gv.at
law VRUG I source: https://www.ris.bka.gv.at


Ownership of real estate

In this section we present you brochures on the subject of energy cerftification, resolutions on the WEG (homeownership act), formation of reserves in home onwership, e-charging stations in home onwership, information why it makes sense to hire a broker,... (coming soon)

info real estate service
info real estate service

info sheet energy certificate I source: www.wko.at
info sheet energy certificate I source: www.wko.at

WEG: resolution I source: www.wko.at
WEG: resolution I source: www.wko.at

WEG: formation of  funds   I source: www.wko.at
WEG: formation of funds I source: www.wko.at

WEG: electric charging  I source: www.wko.at
WEG: electric charging I source: www.wko.at

contract tax I source: www.bmf.gv.at
contract tax I source: www.bmf.gv.at

form contract tax I source: www.bmf.gv.at
form contract tax I source: www.bmf.gv.at


moving service + maintenance

You have found a suitable property and need help with registration of the utilities etc.? We will be happy to provide you with the documents. Whether it is the registraion form, moving checklist (coming soon), waste separation, etc., you will find helpful documents here.

waste separation   I   source: www.wien.gv.at/umwelt/ma48
waste separation I source: www.wien.gv.at/umwelt/ma48

registration form   I   source: www.wien.gv.at/amtshelfer
registration form I source: www.wien.gv.at/amtshelfer

maintenance balconies   I   source: www.wko.at
maintenance balconies I source: www.wko.at


city map, facts, additional services

Please find here additional information & services about the country itself and life in Austria. These are, for example, the city map, public transport night lines, data and facts about Vienna and Lower Austria, etc. Browse through the yearbooks of the federal states - they are very amusing and informativ!

City plan Vienna   I   source: www.wienerlinien.at/media
City plan Vienna I source: www.wienerlinien.at/media

Night lines Wiener Linien   I   source: www.wienerlinien.at/media
Night lines Wiener Linien I source: www.wienerlinien.at/media

Fast connections in Vienna   I source: www.wienerlinien.at/media
Fast connections in Vienna I source: www.wienerlinien.at/media

Vienna in Figures 2022   I   source: wien.gv.at
Vienna in Figures 2022 I source: wien.gv.at

Vienna in Figures 2021   I source: https://b2b.wien.info/resource/blob
Vienna in Figures 2021 I source: https://b2b.wien.info/resource/blob

Yearbook Vienna Business Location 2020   I   source: www.wien.gv.at
Yearbook Vienna Business Location 2020 I source: www.wien.gv.at

Lower Austria in figures 2022   I   source: www.noe.gv.at/noe/Zahlen-Fakten
Lower Austria in figures 2022 I source: www.noe.gv.at/noe/Zahlen-Fakten

Lower Austria in figures 2020   I   source: www.noe.gv.at/noe/Zahlen-Fakten
Lower Austria in figures 2020 I source: www.noe.gv.at/noe/Zahlen-Fakten

Yearbook  Burgenland 2019   I   source: www.burgenland.at/service
Yearbook Burgenland 2019 I source: www.burgenland.at/service

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homefinding.at - Mag Janauer & Göllner GmbH

Westermayergasse 3 - 1140 Vienna
+43 (1) 890 26 71
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